Saturday, June 04, 2005


Tonight was an adventure. I just got back a few minutes ago from the observing session. The night began at Camp High Road and featured a mass gathering of boy scouts. Several fellow astronomers had also showed up (Donna, Stan?, Lee, and Dave). Skys were not looking promising at all. So, the five of us decided that, mostly due to lousy skies at High Road, to head over to Crockett. The trip took about an hour and I had a)no idea where I was going b)no gas in the tank. But we made it (minus Dave...we lost him somewhere along the way).

Skys were good while we were setting up, but quicly clouded over. They cleared again in about 30 minutes. We had 30 minutes of good viewing. I caught Jupiter, M108, M57, and M4 just as clouds began to roll in. The rest of the night remained cloudy, however the remaining four of us had a nice time hanging around and shooting the breeze in hopes the sky would clear up. Stan? and Lee stayed behind in hopes of clear skies.

I hope things worked out for them!


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